
crispy sweet potato chips vacuum fryer

Vacuum frying is a frying process that is carried out at pressures well below atmospheric level. It has been used for different foods, but mostly fruits and vegetables.
The latest reports include apple, apricot, banana, jackfruit, green and gold kiwifruits, carrot, mushroom, potato, shallot, sweet potato and purple yam. Vacuum frying offers an alternative way to improve the quality of fried fruit and vegetables other than by atmospheric frying.
The main factors that influence fried products are the frying time-temperature combination of the cooking process; the correct combination of which is necessary to produce a food product with acceptable physical attributes.  Vacuum frying significantly lowered the final oil content in comparison to atmospheric fried vegetables and it also slowed the rancidity of the oil.
Most of the benefits of vacuum frying from the low temperatures used and the minimal exposure to oxygen, which reduces the adverse effects on the oil quality, preserve the natural colour and flavour, decreases the acrylamide content and preserves nutritional compounds, such as vitamins and minerals.
Vacuum frying is a good option to achieve high quality dried products with better
colours and flavours due to the reduced oxidation,
lower frying temperatures and much shorter
processing times compared with other techniques. Vacuum fried products are prepared using fresh
fruits and vegetables that are peeled and cut into
small pieces. The operating pressure used is usually
lower than 7 kPa which produces a good reduction
in the boiling point of water and allows the frying
temperature to be lower than 90oC.

